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Links basic nanoscience concepts with examples of where they can impact energy efficiency, energy supply, and relevant environmental issues, including water supply.
A first step in developing a clean and sustainable future is to think differently about everyday products, in particular how they influence energy use. Green Nanotechnology: Solutions for Sustainability and Energy in the Built Environment explores the science and technology of tiny structures that have a huge potential to improve quality of life while simultaneously achieving reductions in the use of fossil fuels. This book examines energy flows in nature and how the optical properties of materials can be designed to harmonize with those flows. It then discusses the properties that can be achieved in real materials to take advantage of nature’s energy flows.
The authors cohesively examine a number of topics, highlighting their applications and the significance of their nano features. They provide a cursory discussion of well-reviewed subjects such as nanostructured solar cells and turn their attention to timely topics such as methods for preventing excessive temperature and approaches to passive cooling. The book identifies key materials and elucidates how their properties can be understood in terms of contemporary materials physics and chemistry. It concludes with a detailed description of a scenario for future buildings that use much less energy while also providing better comfort.
A valuable side effect of most nanotechnologies is that they inherently put us in closer touch with the natural world. With broad coverage of how nanoparticles impact energy use in the built environment, this book opens readers’ eyes to a fascinating vision of how technology and nanoscience can merge and lead to commodity-scale products that help preserve our planet.
Table of Contents
Green Nanotechnology: Introduction and Invitation
What Is Nanotechnology?
What Is Green Nanotechnology?
Some Basic Issues in Nanoscience
Nanoscience, Dimensionality, and Thin Films
Outdoing Nature in Exploiting Complexity
Energy Supply and Demand
Energy and Development
In Harmony with the Environment: Nature’s Energy Flows and Desired Materials Properties
Global Energy Flows
Radiation in Our Ambience: An Overview
Interaction Between Radiation and Materials
Beam and Diffuse Radiation
Hemispherical Absorptance
Solar and Daylighting Performance Parameters
Thermal Radiation and Spectral Properties of the Atmosphere
Dynamical Environmental Properties
Materials for Optimized Use of the Spectral, Directional, and Dynamical Properties of Solar Energy and Sky Radiation
Thermal and Density Gradients in the Atmosphere and Oceans
Performance of Energy Systems: Thermodynamics and Value
Optical Materials Science for Green Nanotechnology: The Basics
Light and Nanostructures
Spectral Properties of Uniform Materials
Plasmonic Materials in General
Materials for Electron-Based Plasmonics: Mirrors for Visible and Infrared Light
Ionic-Based Materials with Narrow-Band Infrared Properties
Generic Classes of Spectrally Selective Materials
Thin Films for Controlling Spectral Properties and Local Light Intensities
Nanoparticle Optics
Optical Homogenization of Nanocomposites
Surface Plasmon Resonances in Films, Particles, and “Rectennas”
Temporary “Storage” of Light at Resonances and in Evanescent Fields
Visual Indoors–Outdoors Contact and Daylighting: Windows
General Introduction
Spectral Selectivity: The Potential in Energy Efficiency
Spectral Selectivity of Noble-Metal-Based Films
Spectral Selectivity of Oxide-Semiconductor-Based Films
Spectral Selectivity: Novel Developments for Films and Foils
Optimized Angular Properties: The Energy Efficiency That Is Possible
Angular Selectivity of Films with Inclined Columnar Nanostructures
Chromogenics: The Energy Efficiency That Is Possible
Electric Lighting and Daylighting: Luminaires
Lighting: Past, Present, and Future
Daylighting Technology: The “Cool” Option
Dielectric Mirrors Based on Nanostructure
Luminescent Solar Concentrators for Daylighting and Solar Power
Light Diffusing Transmitting Materials
Advanced Electronic Lighting Concepts
Heat and Electricity: Solar Collectors and Solar Cells
Solar Thermal Materials and Devices
Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
Coolness: High-Albedo Surfaces and Sky Cooling Devices
Two Cooling Strategies
City Heating, Global Cooling, and Summer Blackouts
High-Albedo Paints for Cool Buildings
Sky Cooling to Subambient Temperatures
Water Condensation Using Sky Cooling
A Role for Cooling and Waste Heat in Electric Power Generation
Electronic Cooling and Nanotechnology
Whither Cooling?
Supporting Nanotechnologies: Air Sensing and Cleaning, Thermal Insulation and Electrical Storage
Air Quality and Air Sensing
Photocatalysis for Cleaning
Thermal Insulation with Nanomaterials
Green Energy Storage
Conclusions: Nanotechnologies for a Sustainable Future
Energy and the Future
New Technologies and Growing Uptake of Proven Technologies
Towards a “Nanoworld”
Appendix 1: Thin Film Deposition
Appendix 2: Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols